
To be read each morning and through the day as needed.

I am beautiful, brilliant, and balanced. I make time to care for my body, mind, and spirit daily.

Through time and influences, I allowed myself to believe distorted perceptions of myself, my abilities, and the world around me. I now know that I am a natural and unique beauty. My beauty radiates from the inside out. I bring into my life amazing people and opportunities. People are often drawn to me because of my positive energy and how it makes them feel.

My life is precious to me and therefore I am selective as to how I spend my time, who I spend my time with, and where I place my energy.

I know that I must first honor my dreams, my health, and myself so that I may positively affect the lives of others. I always come first and I am my highest priority.  

I understand that regardless of how I valued myself in the past, I now have every opportunity to learn from those experiences. It is in learning from those experiences that I am presented with lessons that enable me to grow and improve myself.

I am a strong woman in charge of my life emotionally, physically, mentally, and professionally.

I exude grace, elegance, intelligence, femininity, strength, and kindness.

I have excellent posture and I carry myself with high esteem. The beauty in me is revealed in my own physical beauty.

I take time to think about the way I present myself to the world and how it translates though my appearance. I know that I have my own personal style and THAT I am true to. I always follow my own style and not trends that don’t suit me. I am very thoughtful of my appearance because it is a reflection of my internal beauty and how I perceive myself.

I am graceful and move with thought. I stand tall and walk tall. I have a beautiful smile that radiates my inner glow.

I make special time everyday just for myself to exercise my mind and body. As a result, I have a mind and body that is healthy, beautiful, youthful, and strong.

I am selective towards the food I put in my body. I enjoy nutritious, healthy food that provides nourishment to my body and cells.

I greet everyday with optimism for new opportunities, personal growth, meeting new people, and learning about myself.

Today I dedicate to me and my personal improvement!